朱自淳 副教授 Tz-Chuen Ju                   BACK

國立陽明交通大學 博士


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中興大學副教授 (2024/02~迄今)

東海大學畜產與生物科技學系 助理教授/副教授

聖母醫護管理專科學校護理科 助理教授

中央研究院生物醫學研究所 博士後研究


許多與老化相關的神經退化性疾病,例如阿茲海默症(AD)與亨丁頓舞蹈症(HD) 都有蛋白質異常聚集,氧化壓力,粒線體功能障礙,神經發炎,細胞能量代謝異常與細胞自噬作用異常等現象, 危及重要的細胞功能,進而導致神經元的死亡。我們實驗室的長期研究目標是運用分子細胞生物學、顯微影像系統與動物行為模型等技術,研究與老化相關的神經退化性疾病中神經退化的致病機轉與可能的治療策略。



亨丁頓舞蹈症 (Huntington’s disease ; HD)是一種遺傳性神經退化性疾病,病症出現是由於亨丁頓基因中CAG重複序列不正常的擴增所導致,突變亨丁頓蛋白會在腦中積聚並對神經系統造成危害,最終導致神經元死亡。 然而許多相關分子機轉仍有待釐清,因此我們很有興趣探討神經退化性疾病中一些共同的病理特徵,例如腦中蛋白質錯誤折疊與推積、神經發炎反應、免疫浸潤以及自噬溶酶體途徑功能障礙對疾病的影響及相關的調控蛋白, 我們相信更透徹的了解致病機轉將有助於我們在藥物開發上設計更好的治療方法。


神經系統與免疫系統有雙向、複雜且微妙的溝通。這些神經免疫交互作用在許多疾病,特別是神經退化性疾病的發生和發展中發揮著至關重要的作用,儘管過去幾年科學在這個領域有巨大的進展, 但neuroimmune communications仍有許多未知。我們實驗室另一個研究重點為探討局部和系統間神經免疫相互作用及其在神經退化性疾病中的作用, 我們相信了解這兩個系統間的交互作用將有助於我們更了解神經系統疾病,並開發新穎的治療策略。


  1. Chen, K.P., K.F. Hua, F.T. Tsai, T.Y. Lin, C.Y. Cheng, D.I. Yang, H.T. Hsu, and T.C. Ju.* 2022. A selective inhibitor of the NLRP3 inflammasome as a potential therapeutic approach for neuroprotection in a transgenic mouse model of Huntington's disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 19:56.

  2. Hua, K.F. #, A.C. Chao#, T.Y. Lin, W.T. Chen, Y.C. Lee, W.H. Hsu, S.L. Lee, H.M. Wang, D.I. Yang, and T.C. Ju.* 2022. Ginsenoside compound K reduces the progression of Huntington’s disease via the inhibition of oxidative stress and overactivation of the ATM/AMPK pathway. Journal of Ginseng Research. 46:572-584.

  3. Ho, C.L., C.S. Lin, L.H. Li, K.F. Hua, and T.C. Ju.* 2021. Inhibition of pro-inflammatory mediator expression in macrophages using wood vinegar from griffith’s ash. Chinese Journal of Physiology. 64:232-243.

  4. Ju, T.C., K.C. Tsao, T.Y. Liu, and S.K. Yang.* 2021. Nocturnal One-Hour Lighting Stimulates Gonadal Development and Lowers Fat Deposition in Male Mule Ducks. Animals. 11(3): 614.

  5. Ho, C.L., L.H. Li, Y.C. Weng, K.F. Hua, and T.C. Ju.* 2020. Eucalyptus essential oils inhibit the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in RAW264.7 macrophages through reducing MAPK and NF-kappaB pathways. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. 20:200.

  6. Li, L.H., T.L. Chen, H.W. Chiu, H.H. Hsu, C.C. Wang, T.T. Tai, T.C. Ju, F.H. Chen, O.V. Chernikov, W.C. Tsai., and K.F. Hua.* 2020. Critical Role for the NLRP3 Inflammasome in Mediating IL-1β Production in Shigella sonnei-Infected Macrophages. Frontiers in Immunology. 11: 1–14.

  7. Hsieh, C.Y., L.H. Li, Y. Lam, Z. Fang, C.H. Gan, Y.K. Rao, H.W. Chiu, W.T. Wong, T.C. Ju, F.H. Chen, O.V. Chernikov, M.L. Liu, C.H. Hsu, and K.F. Hua.* 2020. Synthetic 4-Hydroxy Auxarconjugatin B, a Novel Autophagy Inducer, Attenuates Gouty Inflammation by Inhibiting the NLRP3 Inflammasome. Cells. 9(2): 1–17.

  8. Li, L.H., J.S. Lin, H.W. Chiu, W.Y. Lin, T.C. Ju, F.H. Chen, O.V. Chernikov, M.L. Liu, J.C. Chang, C.H. Hsu, H.W. Gao, K.F. Hua.* 2019. Mechanistic insight into the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome by Neisseria gonorrhoeae in macrophages. Frontiers in Immunology. 10:1–18.

  9. Hsieh, C.Y., L.H. Li, Y.K. Rao, T.C. Ju, Y.S. Nai, Y.W. Chen.,* K.F. Hua.* 2019. Mechanistic insight into the attenuation of gouty inflammation by Taiwanese green propolis via inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 234 (4):4081–4094.

  10. Wu, H.Y., F.L. Yang, L.H. Li, Y.K. Rao, T.C. Ju, W.T. Wong, C.Y. Hsieh, P. Machael, K.F. Hua.,* S.H. Wu.* 2018. Ergosterol peroxide from marine fungus Phoma sp. induces ROS dependent apoptosis and autophagy in human lung adenocarcinoma cells. Scientific Reports.8:17956.

  11. Ju, T.C.,# L.H. Li,# W.C. Dong, K.F. Hua.,* W. J. Chen.* 2017. A synthetic cationic antimicrobial peptide inhibits inflammatory response and the NLRP3 inflammasome by neutralizing LPS and ATP. PLOS ONE. 12(7):e0182057.

  12. Liu, Y.J., T.C. Ju, H.M. Chen, Y.S. Jang, L.M. Lee, H.L. Lai, H.C. Tai, J.M. Fang, Y.L. Lin, P.H. Tu, and Y. Chern.* 2015. Activation of AMP-activated protein kinase alpha1 mediates mislocalization of TDP-43 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Human Molecular Genetics. 24:787-801.

  13. Ju, T.C., H.M. Chen, Y.C. Chen, C.P. Chang, C. Chang, and Y. Chern.* 2014. AMPK-alpha1 functions downstream of oxidative stress to mediate neuronal atrophy in Huntington's disease. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease. 1842:1668-1680.

  14. Ju, T.C., Y.S. Lin, and Y. Chern.* 2012. Energy dysfunction in Huntington's disease: insights from PGC-1alpha, AMPK, and CKB. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 69:4107-4120.

  15. Ju, T.C., H.M. Chen, J.T. Lin, C.P. Chang, W.C. Chang, J.J. Kang, C.P. Sun, M.H. Tao, P.H. Tu, C. Chang, D.W. Dickson, and Y. Chern.* 2011. Nuclear translocation of AMPK-alpha1 potentiates striatal neurodegeneration in Huntington's disease. Journal of Cell Biology. 194:209-227. Highlighted by a commentary in the same issue of JCB

  16. Ju, T.C., S.D. Chen, C.C. Liu, and D.I. Yang.* 2005. Protective effects of S-nitrosoglutathione against amyloid beta-peptide neurotoxicity. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 38:938-949.

  17. Yang, Y.T., T.C. Ju, and D.I. Yang.* 2005. Induction of hypoxia inducible factor-1 attenuates metabolic insults induced by 3-nitropropionic acid in rat C6 glioma cells. J Neurochem. 93:513-525.

  18. Ju, T.C., Y.T. Yang, and D.I. Yang.* 2004. Protective effects of S-nitrosoglutathione against neurotoxicity of 3-nitropropionic acid in rat. Neuroscience Letters. 362:226-231.

  19. Yang, D.I., J.H. Yin, T.C. Ju, L.S. Chen, and C.Y. Hsu.* 2004. Nitric oxide and BCNU chemoresistance in C6 glioma cells: role of S-nitrosoglutathione. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 36:1317-1328.

  20. Yang, D.I., S.D. Chen, Y.T. Yang, T.C. Ju, J.M. Xu, and C.Y. Hsu.* 2004. Carbamoylating chemoresistance induced by cobalt pretreatment in C6 glioma cells: putative roles of hypoxia-inducible factor-1. British Journal of Pharmacology. 141:988-996.

專  利

榮  譽
  1. 第八屆財團法人台北市林榮耀教授學術教育基金會博士論文獎

  2. 第八屆永信李天德醫藥基金會傑出論文獎

  3. 國立宜蘭大學101學年度生物技術與動物科學系傑出系所楷模

  4. 107學年度私立教育事業協會第19屆模範教師

  5. 東海大學108學年度優良導師

  6. 東海大學110學年產學合作績優獎

  7. 2022年指導111學年度碩士生林庭郁獲得「第一屆默克年輕科學人」生物領域-精準醫學組新星獎

  8. 2022年指導111學年度碩士生張致遠獲得「2022台灣牛樟芝國際學術研討會」學術壁報論文競賽銀獎

1. 細胞分子生物學

2. 分子生物學技術

3. 生物技術新知與實作

4. 專題討論

5. 文獻研討